"Never make someone a priority who only makes you an option."
My students and the schedule we set up are always my priority! Thank you for extending the same courtesy to me.
Becky Buckler Studio Policy Update*
Tuition and Lesson Schedule Policy
Effective date: January 1, 2023
- Lessons will be scheduled at 30 minutes intervals, on the same day each week. Forty-five minute lessons can be arranged for advancing students or those requiring special instruction, for an increased fee.
- New students can be added at the beginning of a calendar month.
- Students will remain on the roster and will be expected to comply with scheduling and tuition payment policies until they give two weeks’ notice of the intent to terminate lessons at the end of the current calendar month.
- If schedule conflicts arise, lessons can be rescheduled with a minimum of 24 hours notice. When conflicts occur on a regular basis, we may need to look for a more workable lesson time.
- If less than 24 hours notice is given, the notice is appreciated, but the lesson will be considered missed. Missed lessons will not be made up. There will be no refund for missed lessons.
- If inclement weather requires the cancellation of lessons, those lessons will be considered missed. However, virtual lessons via Facetime or Messenger Video are options for inclement weather days.
- Lessons will not be held on Thanksgiving or Christmas Day, but other major holidays that fall on regular lesson days will not be considered vacation days by the teacher. In lieu of those, the teacher reserves the right to take up to four weeks of “paid” vacation at her discretion during the year.
The above policies apply to both teacher and students.
- Tuition for the month is due in advance, on the date of the first scheduled lesson of the month.
- Tuition will be $85.00 per calendar month of scheduled 30-minute lessons and $115.00 per calendar month for 45-minute lessons. This amount will include materials. There will be no additional charge for books.*
- Tuition payments not made by the third scheduled lesson date will incur a $10.00 late fee.
- Payments can be made by cash, check, or Venmo. For your convenience, you may want to set up automatic monthly payments through your bank.
- If circumstances require a “break” from lessons for a period of a month or more, a fee of $50.00 per month will be required to hold your lesson time and keep you on the roster during your absence. That fee will be assessed until you return to lessons or give notification of the intent to stop.
*Exceptions or changes in policy will be handled on an individual basis as required, at the discretion of the teacher.
Please read this article regarding make-up lessons (click here)
The plan for reopening Ms. Becky’s Studio:
Unless conditions change for the worse, off-line lessons will resume during the week beginning June 22, 2020. In order to err on the side of caution, the following practices will be in place until further notice:
•Please do not bring students to the studio for lessons if there is illness in your home. As imperfect as they are, remote lessons are still an option if necessary, because of illness or quarantine. Students will be expected to come to the studio.
•I will be wearing a mask. The use of masks by students is preferred, but will not be required.
•In order to minimize contact with doorknobs and handles, students are requested to wait in the car or on the porch until I open the door and let them in.
•Only the student receiving the lesson will be admitted to the studio during the lesson. I will walk students out and open the doors at the conclusion of the lesson.
•To prevent disinfectants damaging the ivory key caps on my acoustic piano, we will be using a digital piano for lessons. The keyboard will be disinfected before and after each student.
•The usual practice of students washing their hands before touching the piano will continue.
•Students will need to bring their own pencil, along with any other practice aids they may have been given.
•Any manipulatives used in the lesson (iPad, dice, game markers, etc.) will be disinfected before and after use.
•The Starburst basket will be put away for a while.